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  • 发布时间:2023-02-14
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闫磊,博士(后),硕士生导师,青岛大学特聘教授。中共党员,山东德州人。2015年7月本科毕业于青岛农业大学,2020年7月博士毕业于华中农业大学,2020年7月-2022年12月华中农业大学园艺学博士后,同年12月入职青岛大学生命科学学院。主要从事植物逆境胁迫响应机制的探究。近五年于国际知名期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment,Tree Physiology等国际知名期刊发表学术论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金等项目6项。




  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:编号:42307012(2024.01-01至2026-12-31),主持

  2. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金:编号:ZR2023QC018(2024.01-01至2026-12-31),主持

  3. 青岛大学人才引进科研启动项目:(2023.01-01至今),主持

  4. 湖北省创新型研究岗位项目:(2021.08-01至2023-7-31,已结题),主持

  5. 湖北省创新型研究岗位项目:(2020.08-01至2022-7-31,已结题),主持

  6. 2021年绿洲生态农业兵团重点实验室开放课题发展基金项目:(2021.11-01至2023-12-31,已结题),主持




  1. Gao, Guang#,Yan Lei#,Tong, K.Q., Yu, H.L., Lu, M., Wang, L., Niu, Y.S*., The potential and prospects of modified biochar for comprehensive management of salt-affected soils and plants: A critical review.Science of the Total Environment.2024. 912, 169618.(中科院1区;IF=9.8

  2. Yan Lei,Riaz, M., Li, S., Cheng, J., Jiang, C.C., Harnessing the power of exogenous factors to enhance plant resistance toaluminum toxicity; a critical review.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.2023.203,108064

  3. Yan Lei, Li Shuang, Cheng Jin, Liu Yu, Liu Jihong*, Jiang Cuncang*. Boron contributes to excessive aluminum tolerance in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata(L.) Raf.) by inhibiting cell wall deposition and promoting vacuole compartmentation.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022.437:129275.(中科院1区;IF=14.224)

  4. Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Liu Jiayou, Liu Yalin, Zeng Yu, Jiang Cuncang*. Boron reduces aluminum deposition in alkali-soluble pectin and cytoplasm to release aluminum toxicity.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 401:123388.(中科院1区;IF=14.224)

  5. Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Liu Jiayou, Zeng Yu,Yu Min,Jiang Cuncang*. The aluminum tolerance and detoxification mechanisms in plants; recent advances and prospects.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 52:9, 1491-1527.(中科院1IF=11.750

  6. Yan Lei,Riaz Muhammad, Wu Xiuwen, Du Chenqing, Liu Yalin, Jiang Cuncang*. 2018. Ameliorative effects of boron on aluminum induced variations of cell wall cellulose and pectin components in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate(L.) Raf.).Environmental Pollution, 2018, 240: 764-774.(中科院1区;IF=9.988)

  7. Yan Lei, Du Chenqing, Riaz Muhammad, Jiang Cuncang*. Boron mitigates citrus root injuries by regulating intracellular pH and reactive oxygen species to resist H+-toxicity.Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255: 113254-113265.(中科院1区;IF=9.988)

  8. Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Du Chenqing, Liu Yalin, Jiang Cuncang*. Ameliorative role of boron to toxicity of aluminum in trifoliate orange roots.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,179, 212-221.(中科院1区;IF=7.129)

  9. Yan Lei, Riaz Muhammad, Liu Yalin, Zeng Yu, Jiang Cuncang*. Aluminum toxicity could be mitigated with boron by altering the metabolic patterns of amino acids and carbohydrates rather than organic acids in trifoliate orange.Tree Physiology, 2019, 1572-1582.(中科院1区;IF=4.561)

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