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  • 发布时间:2020-10-19
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刘成珍,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2017.07年毕业于青岛农业大学(导师:孙庆杰教授),获得工学硕士学位;2020.06年毕业于中国海洋大学食品科学专业(导师:汪东风教授),获得工学博士学位。期间获得国家留学基金委支持2018.9-2019.9于美国马萨诸塞大学进行联合培养(导师:David Julian McClements教授)。于2020年8月以特聘教授四层次加入青岛大学生命科学学院。主要从事胶体递送体系、粮油精深加工、纳米仿生酶抑菌与治疗等方面的研究。在AM、Nano Lett. JCIS、JAFC、Food Hydrocolloid.等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,h指数22,他引次数近2000次。申请发明专利10余项,参编著作2部(国家级精品教材1部)。现任Journaloffunctionalbiomaterials客座编辑。主持国家自然科学基金项目、山东省高等学校青年创新团队项目、教育部产学合同协调育人项目、青岛市“金种子”人才项目、青岛大学人才引进科研启动项目等。作为科研骨干参与国家重点研发计划、青岛市惠民专项项目等。在所属领域取得了国内外同行公认的成就,受邀在国际国内会议上作报告。“重大疾病早筛与康养团队”—青岛大学2023年优秀研究生导学团队核心成员。获评“全国大学生生命科学竞赛优秀指导教师”,“第十四届山东省大学生科技节优秀指导教师”,“青岛大学优秀班主任”,“学院发展先进个人”等。







  1. Xiaohui Liu, Yuhan Zhao, Yuanhong Xu, andChengzhen Liu*, Synthesis ofγ-Cyclodextrin-Reduced Fe(III) Nanoparticles with Peroxidase-like Catalytic Activity for Bacteriostasis of Food. Nano Letters, 23.21 (2023): 9995-10003. (IF9.6,一区).

  2. Haoyu Yang, Dexiang Lu, Zengxu Liu, Yuanhong Xu, Yusheng Niu,Chengzhen Liu*,pHresponsive nanozyme cascade catalysis: A strategy of BiVO4 application for modulation of pathological wound microenvironment.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 674 (2024):29-38.(IF9.4,一区).

  3. Chengzhen Liu, Yongkai Yuan, Mengjie Ma, Shuaizhong Zhang, Shuhui Wang, Hao Li, Ying Xu*,&Dongfeng Wang.Self-assembled composite nanoparticles based on zein as delivery vehicles of curcumin: role of chondroitin sulfate.Food &function. 11(2020),5377-5388.(IF 4.171,一区).

  4. Chengzhen Liu, Zhuzhu Liu, Xun Sun, Shuaizhong Zhang, Shuhui Wang, Fuxian Feng, Dongfeng Wang,&Ying Xu*.Fabrication and characterization of β-lactoglobulin-based nanocomplexes composed of chitosan oligosaccharides as vehicles for delivery of astaxanthin.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 66(26)(2018),6717-6726. (IF 3.571,一区).

  5. Chengzhen Liu, Zhang, Shuaizhong, McClements, DavidJulian*, Wang, Dongfeng,&Xu, Ying. Design of astaxanthin-loaded core–shell nanoparticles consisting of chitosan oligosaccharides and Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid): enhancement of water solubility, stability, and bioavailability.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 67(18)(2019),5113-5121. (IF 4.192,一区).

  6. Chengzhen Liu, McClements, DavidJulian, Li Man, et al. Development of self-healing double-network hydrogels: enhancement of the strength of wheat gluten hydrogels by in situ metal–catechol coordination.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 67(23) (2019), 6508-6516. (IF 4.192,一区).

  7. Chengzhen Liu, Tan Yunbing, Xu Ying*, et al. Formation, characterization, and application of chitosan/pectin-stabilized multilayer emulsions as astaxanthin delivery systems.International journal of biological macromolecules, 140 (2019),985-997. (IF 5.162,二区).

  8. Chengzhen Liu, Man Li, Na Ji, Liu Xiong,&Qingjie Sun*.Morphology and characteristics of starch nanoparticles self-assembled via a facile ultrasonication method for peppermint oil encapsulation.Journal ofagricultural andfoodchemistry. 65 (2017),8363–8373. (IF 3.412,一区).

  9. Chengzhen Liu, Man Li, Jie Yang, Liu Xiong*,&Qingjie Sun*, Fabrication and characterization of biocompatible hybrid nanoparticles from spontaneous co-assembly of casein/gliadin and proanthocyanidin.Foodhydrocolloids. 73 (2017),74-89. (IF 5.089,一区).

  10. Chengzhen Liu, Shengju Ge, Jie Yang, Yunyi Xu, Mei Zhao, Liu Xiong,&Qingjie Sun*. Adsorption mechanism of polyphenols onto starch nanoparticles and enhanced antioxidant activity under adverse conditions.Journal offunctionalfoods. 26 (2016),632–644. (IF 3.973,一区).

  11. Chengzhen Liu, Suisui Jiang, Zhongjie Han, Liu Xiong,&Qingjie Sun*. In vitro digestion of nanoscale starch particles and evolution of thermal, morphological, and structural characteristics.Foodhydrocolloids. 61 (2016),344–350.(IF 4.747,一区).

  12. Chengzhen Liu, Yang Qin, Xiaojing Li, Qingjie Sun*, Liu Xiong,&Zhuzhu Liu. Preparation and characterization of starch nanoparticles via self-assembly at moderate temperature.Internationaljournal ofbiologicalmacromolecules. 84 (2016),354–360. (IF 3.671).

  13. Chengzhen Liu, Suisui Jiang, Shuangling Zhang, Tingting Xi, Qingjie Sun*,&Liu Xiong. Characterization of edible corn starch nanocomposite films: The effect of self-assembled starch nanoparticles.Starch/Stärke. 68 (2016),239-248. (IF 1.837).



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